Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (1997)
- Starring: Penélope Cruz, Fele Mart nez
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Umbrella Ent
- Release Date: 12/13/2024
- Features: Limited Edition, Australia - Import
- Spanish filmmaker Alejandro Amenábar's surreal psychological suspenser (remade as "Vanilla Sky") stars Eduardo Noriega as César, a handsome lothario who accepts a ride home from a jealous ex-flame.... more
- (1967)
- Starring: Ariadne Welter, Elizabeth Campbell
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse
- Release Date: 3/26/2024
- Features: Limited Edition, Widescreen, Mono Sound, Subtitled
- THE PANTHER WOMEN (US LIMITED EDITION BLU-RAY):Director: Ren Cardona |Cast: Ariadne Welter, Elizabeth Campbell, Yolanda Montes 'Tongolele', Eric del Castillo, Manuel 'Loco' Valds |Gothic horror and... more
- Starring: Abel Salazar, Rosita Arenas
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse Films
- Release Date: 6/23/2023
- Features: Limited Edition, United Kingdom - Import
- Four-disc set includes: The Black Pit Of Dr. M (1959)Unsettling Mexican horror effort involves two doctors working at an insane asylum who have an agreement that when one dies, he'll return and tell... more