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- (2010)
- Starring: Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 10/24/2017
- Features: Widescreen, Dolby, Subtitled
- What's ambitious television producer Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) doing taking on the down-in-the-dumps show "Daybreak"? She's recovering from a recent firing and navigating new professional... more
- (2012)
- Starring: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 6/8/2021
- Features: Boxed Set, 4K Mastering, Widescreen, Dubbed
- Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford puts the "A" in Adventure when he dons his fedora and steps on camera as the globe-trotting archaeologist in the renowned box-office-smash series. This must-have "Indy"... more
- (2010)
- Starring: Brendan Fraser, Harrison Ford
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 2/13/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Fate and determination push idealistic father, John Crowley (Brendan Fraser) into joining forces with reclusive medical researcher, Dr. Robert Stonehill (Harrison Ford). Together, this unlikely pair... more
- (2013)
- Starring: Will Ferrell, Steve Carell
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 4/1/2014
- Features: With DVD, Dubbed, Subtitled, Dolby
- The wait is over, America - Ron Burgundy is back! After losing his job to his wife and co-anchor, Ron reassembles the news team and squares off against a new rival. Will the world's greatest... more