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- Starring: Andrea Metcalf
- Genre: Health & Fitness
- Studio: Acorn
- Release Date: 8/5/2012
- Features: DVD
- Strengthen the most important muscle in your body - the heart - with this simple, fun cardio workout. You'll burn calories and fat, increase lung capacity, control your weight, and add energy to your... more
- Starring: Andrea Metcalf
- Genre: Health & Fitness-Pilates
- Studio: Acorn
- Release Date: 1/1/2016
- Features: DVD
- Pilates builds muscle tone, improves balance and alignment, and whittles your waistline. You'll also ease aches and pains, get better posture, and gain flexibility for a lean, lithe physique.
- Starring: Andrea Metcalf
- Genre: Health & Fitness
- Studio: Acorn
- Release Date: 8/5/2012
- Features: DVD
- Strong bones are the foundation of strong bodies, and strength training is an ideal way to build bone and muscle mass. It also increases your metabolism so you burn calories all day - keeping you... more