Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (2003)
- Starring: Ellen Barrett
- Genre: Health & Fitness-Pilates
- Studio: Starz / Anchor Bay
- Release Date: 9/9/2003
- Features: DVD
- The follow-up to the highly successful Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates, with the same popular instructor Ellen Barrett. This workout combines standing Pilates-inspired cardio moves with classic mat... more
- (2004)
- Starring: Ellen Barrett
- Genre: Health & Fitness-Pilates
- Studio: Starz / Anchor Bay
- Release Date: 9/7/2004
- Features: Full Frame
- Everyone knows that Pilates is great for creating longer, leaner muscles. But we've taken Pilates to a whole new level by adding some unique "Burn & Firm" elements to this workout! Direction: Andrea... more