Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (1975)
- Starring: John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 3/31/1998
- Features: Keep Case Packaging
- John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn. The Duke reprises his Oscar-winning role from True Grit as Rooster Cogburn, the gun-toting, whiskey-guzzling marshal. Alongside the iconic Hepburn as the prim and... more
- (1975)
- Starring: John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 10/16/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- John Wayne reprises his "True Grit" role as grizzled, eye patch-wearing lawman Rooster Cogburn in this comedy-tinged western. This time, he may have met his match in Eula Goodnight (Katharine... more
- Starring: John Wayne, Ray Milland
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Drama
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 6/12/2007
- Features: Gift Set, Digipack Packaging, Slipsleeve/Digsleeve Packaging, Dolby
- Travel with the Duke from the WWII era to the end of his legendary career as you watch these classics. He stars in Reap the Wild Wind (1942/124 min/NR), The Spoilers (Marlene Dietrich. 1942/88... more