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- (2005)
- Starring: Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning
- Genre: Drama, Family
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 1/9/2018
- Features: Widescreen, Dolby, Dubbed
- A man and his young daughter face almost impossible odds as they struggle to help an injured horse return to the racetrack in this family-friendly drama. Ben Crane (Kurt Russell) is a horse trainer... more
- See more choices
- (2004)
- Starring: Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson
- Genre: Drama, Biography
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 5/18/2004
- Features: Widescreen
- This is the true story of coach Herb Brooks, who in 1980 had the distinction of having been the last player cut from the U.S. hockey team the last time the team won the Gold at the Olympics (in... more
- (2004)
- Starring: Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson
- Genre: Drama, Biography
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 3/29/2011
- Features: With DVD
- Blu-ray/DVD COMBO. The studio that brought you THE ROOKIE and REMEMBER THE TITANS presents a new reason to stand up and cheer: MIRACLE is here on Disney Blu-ray! Now the action-packed true story that... more