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- (2008)
- Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Gabriel Macht
- Genre: Superhero
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 4/14/2009
- Features: Widescreen, Dolby, Subtitled
- Above shadowy, crime-infested streets a masked avenger watches. Denny Colt (Gabriel Macht) was one of Central City's finest cops until a gangster's bullet ended his life. Now Fate has brought him... more
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Superhero
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 8/14/2018
- Features: Widescreen, 3 Pack, Dolby
- Deep in space, Galvanax is the reigning champion of the most popular intergalactic game show in the universe, "Galaxy Warriors," in which monsters battle to prove who is the mightiest warrior.... more