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- Starring: John Travolta, Maxwell Caulfield
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 2/20/2024
- Features: Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby
- Get out your poodle skirts and penny loafers and get ready to rock 'n' roll with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John in "Grease" (1978), the hit screen rendition of the Broadway musical look at '50s... more
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- (2007)
- Starring: John Travolta, Amanda Bynes
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: New Line Home Video
- Release Date: 9/15/2009
- Features: Deluxe Edition, With CD, Widescreen, Special Packaging
- John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken. A pleasantly plump teenager teaches 1962 Baltimore a thing or two about integration after landing a spot on a local dance show. Filled with... more
- (1982)
- Starring: Maxwell Caulfield, Michelle Pfeiffer
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 6/7/2022
- Features: Steelbook, Widescreen, Dolby
- It's a new year in the rockin' halls of Rydell High, and straight-arrow transfer Michael Carrington (Maxwell Caulfield) is having trouble fitting in. Will his disguise as a mysterious motorcyclist... more
- Starring: Eve Arden, Jeff Conaway
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 2/20/2024
- Features: Boxed Set, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen
- GREASE RISE OF THE PINK LADIES: GREASE: RISE OF THE PINK LADIES is the high-spirited musical series that traces the origins of the classic hit movie. Four outcast high school girls - a brainiac... more
- (1986)
- Starring: Alan Alda, Michael Caine
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 5/4/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- A Hollywood film crew invades the small town of history professor and author Michael Burgess (Alan Alda, who also wrote and directed), whose Revolutionary War novel they're adapting into a movie. But... more