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- (1978)
- Starring: Camille Keaton, Eron Tabor
- Genre: Horror, Cult
- Studio: Ronin Flix
- Release Date: 5/10/2022
- Features: DVD
- Camille Keaton, Richard Pace, Eron Tabor. In a secluded country retreat, a young New York writer is assaulted, raped and left for dead by four men. She survives, and goes on a bloody warpath to take... more
- (1966)
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Cult
- Studio: Film Detective
- Release Date: 4/19/2022
- Features: DVD
- Schlock producer Jerry Gross made his directorial debut with Girl on a Chain Gang (1966), a stirring feature about small town hate. William Watson, Julie Ange, and Ron Charles star in this shocker... more