Items 0 - 0 of 3
- Artist:
- Genre: Heavy Metal
- Studio: Nuclear Blast
- Release Date: 1/19/2024
- Features: CD
- With a career spanning 40+ years, Exodus has not only helped shape and define the thrash metal genre for over three decades. One of the forefathers of the Bay Area scene, the band's 1985 debut album,... more
- Artist:
- Genre: Heavy Metal
- Studio: Nuclear Blast
- Release Date: 7/28/2023
- Features: CD
- Slamming together disparate musical styles ranging from death and black metal to breakcore, Balkan, baroque and classical music in a manner that is as unconventional and unpredictable as it is... more
- Artist:
- Genre: Heavy Metal
- Studio: Nuclear Blast
- Release Date: 5/10/2024
- Features: CD
- Emerging from the vital and successful suomi music scene, Crownshift open a new chapter of contemporary metal. Comprised of members of heavyweights like NIGHTWISH, WINTERSUN, FINNTROLL, ex-CHILDREN... more