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- (1944)
- Starring: Betty Grable, John Harvey
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: Fox Mod
- Release Date: 5/28/2015
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Full Frame, NTSC Format
- Betty Grable, Martha Raye. The long-legged Grable, WWII's most famous pinup, stars as a singing secretary who entertains the troops at a USO canteen. Directed by H. Bruce Humberstone. 1944/color/83... more
- (1944)
- Starring: Mitzi Mayfair, Kay Francis
- Genre: Musical
- Studio: Fox Mod
- Release Date: 11/6/2018
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Full Frame, Mono Sound, NTSC Format
- Alice Faye, Martha Raye, Kay Francis, Carmen Miranda, Carole Landis. The leading ladies star as themselves reliving their adventures as members of a USO tour entertaining overseas servicemen. Some... more