Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (1967)
- Starring: Christopher Lee, Tony Ferrer
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense
- Studio: Warner Archives
- Release Date: 9/25/2012
- Features: Full Frame, Manufactured on Demand, Mono Sound
- Christopher Lee, Douglas Wilmer. The evil one is at it again when he clones high-ranking world officials so he can replace them strategically and use them to gain control of the world. Inspector... more
- (1965)
- Starring: James Robertson Justice, Christopher Lee
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense
- Studio: Warner Archives
- Release Date: 9/25/2012
- Features: Full Frame, Manufactured on Demand, Mono Sound
- Christopher Lee, Nigel Green. Although Scotland Yard Inspector Nayland Smith witnessed the execution of the evil Asian villain, clues from recent grisly murders point to Fu Manchu once again. So... more
- (1968)
- Starring: Christopher Lee, Richard Greene
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense
- Studio: Blue Underground
- Release Date: 9/30/2003
- Features: DVD
- Christopher Lee, Tsai Chin, Richard Greene. Fu Manchu injects a lethal poison into the lips of 10 beautiful women who are set to kiss and kill world leaders while Nayland Smith frantically searches... more
- (1969)
- Starring: Christopher Lee, Richard Greene
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense
- Studio: Blue Underground
- Release Date: 9/30/2003
- Features: DVD
- Christopher Lee, Tsai Chin, Richard Greene. The fiendish Chinese madman invents a chemical that will turn the seas into a giant block of ice while Nayland Smith, trying to stop the diabolical plot,... more