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- (2024)
- Starring: Gemma Arterton, Arsher Ali
- Genre: TV Comedy, British-Television
- Studio: PBS (Direct)
- Release Date: 2/25/2025
- Features: DVD
- In mid-'60s Britain, Barbara Parker (Gemma Arterton) believed she was meant for more than being that year's Blackpool beauty queen. Setting out for a London acting career under the stage name Sophie... more
- (2023)
- Starring: Gemma Arterton, Arsher Ali
- Genre: TV Comedy, British-Television
- Studio: PBS (Direct)
- Release Date: 4/2/2024
- Features: DVD
- In mid-'60s Britain, Barbara Parker (Gemma Arterton) believed she was meant for more than being that year's Blackpool beauty queen. Setting out for a London acting career under the stage name Sophie... more
- Starring: Stephen Dillane, Clémence Poésy
- Genre: British-Mystery, TV Crime
- Studio: PBS (Direct)
- Release Date: 7/11/2017
- Features: Blu-ray
- Clemence Poesy, Stephen Dillane. A French couple is abducted from the Eurotunnel and a plane crashes in the Channel to kick off this dark, tense second season. Commander Wassermann and DCI Roebuck... more