Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (1993)
- Starring: Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Imprint
- Release Date: 4/7/2023
- Features: Limited Edition, Australia - Import
- FROM ON ISABEL ALLENDE'S BEST-SELLING NOVEL Set in South America before the Second World War. The House of the Spirits is a hauntingly romantic epic tale spanning three generations of the Trueba... more
- (1972)
- Starring: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Imprint
- Release Date: 3/21/2025
- Features: Australia - Import
- Recently divorced film freak Allan Felix (Woody Allen) tries to get back into the singles scene, with some advice from the ghost of Humphrey Bogart. As Bogie and his married friends help him get back... more
- (1949)
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Imprint
- Release Date: 5/9/2025
- Features: Australia - Import
- In Renaissance Italy, Cesare Borgia (Macdonald Carey) connived the slaying of his brother-in-law so his sister Lucrezia (Paulette Goddard) could enter an advantageous marriage with the nobleman... more
- (1975)
- Starring: Donald Sutherland, Karen Black
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Imprint
- Release Date: 3/1/2024
- Features: Australia - Import
- One of the grimmest assessments of Hollywood life during the '30s, this 1975 drama is adapted from a novel by Nathanael West and tells the tale of a talentless beauty's desperate struggle to become a... more