Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1956)
- Starring: Jacqueline Curtiss, Sydney Tafler
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Studio: Olive
- Release Date: 7/30/2013
- Features: Black & White, Widescreen
- Anthony Dexter, Susan Shaw, Paul Carpenter. A group of astronauts land on the 13th moon of Jupiter where a nubile race of women are threatened by an evil monster. Directed by Cy Roth. 1956/b&w/80... more
- (1956)
- Starring: Jacqueline Curtiss, Shane Cordell
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Studio: Olive
- Release Date: 7/30/2013
- Features: Black & White, Widescreen
- Anthony Dexter, Susan Shaw, Paul Carpenter. A group of astronauts land on the 13th moon of Jupiter where a nubile race of women are threatened by an evil monster. Directed by Cy Roth. 1956/b&w/80... more