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- (1987)
- Starring: Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy
- Genre: Comedy Video, Science Fiction
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 3/8/2016
- Features: Snap Case
- Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy. This classic from Steven Spielberg finds a "family" of living flying saucers helping the impoverished residents of a New York apartment building that has been targeted for... more
- (2015)
- Starring: Anthony Forrest
- Genre: Science Fiction, Documentary
- Studio: Filmrise
- Release Date: 6/28/2016
- Features: Director's Cut / Edition, Manufactured on Demand, Special Edition
- Paul Blake, Jeremy Bulloch, John Chapman. In an oppressively hot summer in a London suburb, perhaps the biggest movie event in history was being filmed by people in alien costumes who could barely... more