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- Genre: Science Fiction
- Studio: MGM
- Release Date: 12/16/2022
- Features: Australia - Import, NTSC Region 0
- Save the world from interstellar aggression! Includes both the original •Invaders From Mars• (Helena Carter, Arthur Franz. 1953/b&w/78 min), where a young boy discovers a global alien invasion is... more
- (1984)
- Starring: Christopher Lloyd, Ellen Barkin
- Genre: Science Fiction, Action / Adventure
- Studio: MGM
- Release Date: 9/16/2022
- Features: Australia - Import, NTSC Region 0
- Peter Weller, John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum, Ellen Barkin, Christopher Lloyd. One of the great cult films of the '80s! Buckaroo Banzai—a scientist/neurosurgeon/secret agent/rock star—teams up with a... more