Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (1952)
- Starring: Gerald Mohr, Peggie Castle
- Genre: Sci-Fi-Classic
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 5/7/2002
- Features: Special Edition
- Dan O'Herlihy, Gerald Mohr. Actual footage of air battles and bombings is used in this story of an all-out invasion by the evil "Reds." 1952/b&w/74 min/NR/fullscreen.
- (1990)
- Starring: Michael Cutler, Starr Andreeff
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 10/28/2008
- Features: Special Edition, Dolby
- Norton Cyberdyne, a multinational corporation, produces high-tech military technology. Their latest super-weapon is the "SYNGENOR" (SYNthesized GENetic ORganism), a perfect "super-soldier" killing... more
- (2013)
- Starring: Jes Mercer, Shane O'Brien
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 8/12/2014
- Features: Special Edition, Widescreen, Anamorphic, Dolby
- In a future where we no longer have the ability to dream, people have turned to 'Fantasites', genetically engineered Worm-like parasites, for sleep relief. Delivered right to your door, these worms... more