Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (2020)
- Starring: Josh Ruben, Aya Cash
- Genre: Horror
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 3/2/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- Taking a Catskills cabin to write in isolation, wannabe fright filmmaker Fred Banks (Josh Ruben, who wrote and directed) delightedly discovered that his neighbor was the popular horror novelist Fanny... more
- (2020)
- Starring: Josh Ruben, Aya Cash
- Genre: Horror
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 3/2/2021
- Features: DVD
- Taking a Catskills cabin to write in isolation, wannabe fright filmmaker Fred Banks (Josh Ruben, who wrote and directed) delightedly discovered that his neighbor was the popular horror novelist Fanny... more