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- Starring: Norman Mailer, Oliver Stone
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Zeitgeist Films
- Release Date: 9/3/2024
- Features: Subtitled
- HOW TO COME ALIVE with Norman Mailer explores the rollercoaster life of America's most controversial and bestselling author of the 20th Century. Propelled by his tremendous ego and contrarian spirit,... more
- (1993)
- Starring: Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey
- Genre: Documentary, Biography
- Studio: First Run Features
- Release Date: 10/24/2023
- Features: Subtitled
- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALLEN GINSBERG:Visionary, radical, spiritual seeker, renowned poet, founding member of a major literary movement, champion of human rights, Buddhist, political activist and... more
- (1996)
- Starring: Muhammad Ali, George Foreman
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 10/22/2019
- Features: DVD
- In 1974, Leon Gast (Our Latin Thing) traveled to Africa to film Zaire 74, a music festival planned to accompany an unprecedented sports spectacle: the Rumble in the Jungle, in which late-career... more
- (1979)
- Starring: Norman Mailer, Germaine Greer
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 8/18/2020
- Features: DVD
- On April 30, 1971, a standing-room-only crowd of New York's intellectual elite packed the city's Town Hall theater to see Norman Mailer fresh from the controversy over his essay The Prisoner of Sex... more