Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (2011)
- Starring: Neal Barnard, Gene Baur
- Genre: Documentary, Health & Fitness
- Studio: Virgil Films
- Release Date: 8/30/2011
- Features: Blu-ray
- Neal Barnard. The debate about processed foods gets a thorough examination in this documentary that posits the question: Are we better off not eating animals and processed foods? Two doctors... more
- (2019)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Virgil Films
- Release Date: 8/27/2019
- Features: With DVD
- CLARENCE CLEMONS: WHO DO I THINK I AM highlights Clarence's life as musician and member of the E Street band while also presenting another side of Clarence not many saw when he was away from bright... more
- (2023)
- Starring: Lili Taylor, Mickey Rourke
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Virgil Films
- Release Date: 4/30/2024
- Features: Subtitled
- A handsome nerd journeys the globe to turn the conventional art world on it's head, set to prove to historians and critics alike that movie props are as important an art form as the greatest... more