Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2024)
- Starring: Tom Hardy, Chiwetel Ejiofor
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 1/21/2025
- Features: Steelbook, 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray, Digital Copy
- In Venom: The Last Dance, Tom Hardy returns as Venom, one of Marvel's greatest and most complex characters, for the final film in the trilogy. Eddie and Venom are on the run. Hunted by both of their... more
- (2018)
- Starring: Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 9/27/2022
- Features: Steelbook, 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray, Limited Edition
- Investigative journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) becomes bonded to a symbiotic alien lifeform while trying to expose unscrupulous scientist Carlton Drake's (Riz Ahmed) experiments on human test... more
- (2021)
- Starring: Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 9/27/2022
- Features: Steelbook, 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray, Limited Edition
- As he tried to cope with the alien symbiote now sharing his body, Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) couldn't turn down the invite that could recharge his flagging journalism career: A prison sit-down with... more
- (2021)
- Starring: Tom Holland, Zendaya
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 9/27/2022
- Features: Steelbook, 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray, Limited Edition
- Outed as Spider-Man at the windup of "Far from Home," Peter Parker (Tom Holland) faces devastating repercussions for himself and his loved ones. Turning to Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) for a... more