Items 0 - 0 of 5
- (2021)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 6/14/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- For 18 years, Sister Benedetta Carlini (Virginie Efira) lived a penitent and exemplary existence in a 17th century Tuscan convent. Given charge of the abused and recalcitrant novitiate Bartolomea... more
- (2022)
- Starring: Bulle Ogier, Grégoire Colin
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 11/15/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Both Sides of the Blade - Juliette Binoche is Sara, a woman whose life spirals out of control when she becomes involved in a passionate love triangle. From acclaimed writer-director Claire Denis.
- (2021)
- Starring: Caleb Landry Jones, Judy Davis
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 8/9/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Based on a true story, Nitram is an isolated young man living with his parents in Australia until he meets an eccentric heiress. What follows is a gripping portrait of nihilism and violence |... more
- (2021)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 9/6/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- France, 1963: Working-class college student Anne Duchesne (Anamaria Vartolomei) found the future prospects she worked so hard for slipping away upon the discovery she was pregnant. As friends and... more