Items 0 - 0 of 7
- (2020)
- Starring: Dana Nachman
- Genre: Documentary, Holiday-Christmas (Live Action
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 11/8/2022
- Features: DVD
- This heartwarming documentary is focused on the 100-year-old USPS program "Operation Santa," which allows ordinary citizens to "adopt" letters addressed to Santa and provide a gift to the sender. The... more
- (2020)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 4/5/2022
- Features: DVD
- Explore what Adolf Hitler means today—no longer a living despot, Hitler continues to be a presence in modern day politics and an inspiration for the world's worst criminals. As we approach a century... more
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- (2021)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 5/17/2022
- Features: DVD
- A longtime fan, documentarian Robert Weide first approached Kurt Vonnegut about a biographical effort in the early '80s-and the project fostered a quarter-century friendship that lasted till the... more
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- (2020)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 1/11/2022
- Features: DVD
- From the time that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Emerged as a resonant voice in the American civil rights movement, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover regarded him as a danger to the status quo that needed... more
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- (2021)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 8/2/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Academy Award winner Andrea Arnold returns with an intimate portrait of one dairy cow's life. The film highlights the beauty and challenges cows face, and their great service to us all. | FEATURES::... more
- (2019)
- Starring: Buddy Guy, Joe Bonamassa
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 7/26/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Eighty-three-year-old Chicago blues guitarist, multiple Grammy winner, and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Charles "Buddy" Guy has seen and done it all... performed alongside generations of greats,... more
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- (2021)
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 9/13/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- In January 1973, four young African-American Muslim men held up a Brooklyn sporting goods store for firearms-and the police response resulted in crossfire, a dead patrolman, 11 hostages, and a... more