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- (2017)
- Starring: Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Biography
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 1/2/2018
- Features: DVD
- Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson, Sarah Wright. A Florida airline pilot's life is changed when he's hired by the CIA to work as a hustler and covert pilot for a drug cartel from South America—all... more
- (2016)
- Starring: Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Thriller
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 1/31/2017
- Features: With Blu-ray, 4K Mastering, Digitally Mastered in HD, Widescreen
- Jack Reacher returns with his particular brand of justice in the highly anticipated sequel Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. When Army Major Susan Turner, who heads Reacher's old investigative unit, is... more