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- (2007)
- Starring: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts
- Genre: Comedy Video, Biography
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 4/22/2008
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby
- Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Though it never feels like a history lesson, the movie does have somewhat of a timely feel as it tells the story of Democratic Texas Congressman... more
- (2002)
- Starring: Gary L. Karas, Tom Hanks
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Thriller
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 4/25/2017
- Features: Repackaged, Widescreen, Amaray Case
- STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO: THE COMPLETE SERIES:The crimes are vicious. The cases are baffling. And the scenery is bracingly authentic in the gritty drama that was shot on location in The Streets of... more
- (2002)
- Starring: Gary L. Karas, Tom Hanks
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Thriller
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 5/9/2017
- Features: Repackaged, Widescreen, Amaray Case
- ROAD TO PERDITION:Two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks in one of his best performances (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times) stars as Michael Sullivan, a father fighting to keep his only son from... more
- (2004)
- Starring: Tom Hanks, Irma P. Hall
- Genre: Comedy Video, Mystery / Suspense
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 9/7/2004
- Features: Widescreen
- The plot of an eccentric professor-turned-criminal -mastermind to commit the massive heist of a New Orleans riverboat casino appears to be thwarted by the actions of Mrs. Munson, the... more