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- (2007)
- Starring: Earl Burke, Glenn Frazier
- Genre: Documentary, Special Interest-War
- Studio: PBS (Direct)
- Release Date: 10/20/2017
- Features: Boxed Set
- Keith David narrates this fine 7-part presentation by Ken Burns whose now legendary research and unique recording skills demonstrate how WWII impacted Americans and their families. With his... more
- (2011)
- Starring: Paul Giamatti, Patricia Clarkson
- Genre: Documentary
- Studio: PBS (Direct)
- Release Date: 1/2/2012
- Features: Widescreen
- More than glamorous mobsters and bootleggers, the outlawing of alcohol in 1920 was also a violent attempt by a segment of society to legislate morality in the U.S. It was an event fraught with... more