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- (2024)
- Starring: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 1/21/2025
- Features: Limited Edition, Subtitled, Digital Copy
- Reuniting the director, writer and stars of Forrest Gump, Here is an original film about multiple families and a special place they inhabit. The story travels through generations, capturing the most... more
- (2013)
- Starring: Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener
- Genre: Drama, Biography
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 7/16/2024
- Features: 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray, Steelbook, Limited Edition
- Captain Phillips is a multi-layered examination of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S. container ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Somali pirates. Based on a true story, the film focuses on the Alabama's... more