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- (2016)
- Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Hugh Bonneville
- Genre: British-Drama, TV Drama
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 6/21/2016
- Features: Snap Case, Slipsleeve Packaging, 2 Pack
- Benedict Cumberbatch, Hugh Bonneville, Judi Dench, Michael Gambon. Shakespeare's plays Henry VI and Richard III illuminate the famous Wars of the Roses, the turbulent civil war that tore apart the... more
- (2016)
- Starring: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright
- Genre: TV Drama, Television
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 7/5/2016
- Features: Boxed Set, Widescreen, Dolby
- Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Gill. Political maneuvering continues as the ambitious President Underwood wields his power so as to forge his legacy, while his scheming wife reaches for more... more