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- (1979)
- Starring: Sam Elliott, Tom Selleck
- Genre: TV Western, TV Mini-Series
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 5/30/2006
- Features: Subtitled, Standard Screen
- Sam Elliott, Jeffrey Osterhage, Tom Selleck, Glenn Ford. After the Civil War, three brothers decide to seek their fortunes in the Wild West, rather than go back to Tennessee and a lethal family feud.... more
- (1976)
- Starring: Amy Irving, Glenn Ford
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, TV Mini-Series
- Studio: Timeless Media
- Release Date: 6/19/2012
- Features: DVD
- Sam Elliott, Cliff Potts, Amy Irving, Glenn Ford. NBC's acclaimed mini-series narrates the lives of two Army officers during their military careers from WWI to the beginning of the Vietnam War. Based... more