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- Genre: TV Crime, TV Mini-Series
- Studio: Via Vision
- Release Date: 2/17/2023
- Features: Australia - Import, NTSC Region 0
- Mary Phagan was a 13-year-old pencil factory worker in Atlanta, who was found beaten, murdered and possibly raped, on a Saturday night in April of 1913. Suspicion quickly attaches itself to the... more
- (2022)
- Genre: TV Crime, TV Mini-Series
- Studio: Via Vision
- Release Date: 5/19/2023
- Features: Australia - Import, NTSC Region 0
- Elle Fanning, Chloe Sevigny, Cara Buono, Colton Ryan. Known as the "texting-suicide" case, the alarming true story is dramatically recreated in this mini-series. It recounts the 2014 suicide of... more