Items 0 - 0 of 5
- (1975)
- Starring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, British-Television
- Studio: BBC Warner
- Release Date: 6/19/2018
- Features: Boxed Set, Remastered, Eco Amaray Case
- Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Ian Marter, Nicholas Courtney. The legendary, time-traveling doctor gets its fourth incarnation in the form of Tom Baker. Baker joined the cast in the 12th season and... more
- (1970)
- Starring: John Abineri, John Levene
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, British-Television
- Studio: BBC Archives
- Release Date: 9/17/2019
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, 2 Pack
- Something has gone seriously wrong with Mars Probe 7. With no contact from the astronauts since the rocket started it's return journey from Mars, Space Control is now extremely worried about the fate... more
- (1975)
- Starring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, British-Television
- Studio: BBC Archives
- Release Date: 10/15/2019
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Full Frame, 2 Pack, Subtitled
- One of the most popular story arcs from Doctor Who's "Fourth Doctor" period (starring Tom Baker as the Doctor), writer Terry Nation's Genesis of the Daleks not only fleshes out the back story of the... more
- (1973)
- Starring: Jon Pertwee, William Hartnell
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, British-Television
- Studio: BBC Warner
- Release Date: 10/15/2019
- Features: Boxed Set
- Jon Pertwee's fourth season as the Third Doctor kicks off with the show's 10th anniversary saga, "The Three Doctors." When a renegade Time Lord attempts to escape from an anti-matter universe, it... more
- (1971)
- Starring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, British-Television
- Studio: BBC Warner
- Release Date: 6/1/2021
- Features: Remastered
- Jon Pertwee. John Pertwee's depiction of the Third Doctor left an indelible mark on British science fiction and on the Doctor Who franchise. Follow his Season Two misadventures as he conducts... more