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- Starring: Anthony Michael Hall, Nicole de Boer
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 2/26/2019
- Features: Boxed Set, Full Frame, Dolby
- Anthony Michael Hall, Nicole de Boer, David Ogden Stiers. A young man survives a terrible car accident—but six years later when he awakens from his coma, he finds that many things have changed and he... more
- (2007)
- Starring: Andrew Jackson, John L. Adams
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 6/3/2008
- Features: Full Frame, Subtitled, Dolby
- Anthony Michael Hall, Chris Bruno, Nicole de Boer. Based on characters from Steven King's 1979 novel of the same name, the gripping drama about a once-comatose teacher who discovers he has psychic... more
- (2002)
- Starring: Nicole deBoer, Julie Patzwald
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 6/17/2003
- Features: DVD
- Anthony Michael Hall, Nicole de Boer, David Ogden Stiers. A young man survives a terrible car accident—but when he awakens from his coma, he finds that he possesses an astonishing psychic power.... more