Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2000)
- Starring: Alan Tudyk, Barbara Babcock
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 6/13/2006
- Features: Full Frame, Sensormatic
- Frasier keeps on keeping on in this 8th season of his smash run of 11. Includes "The Bad Son" (10/31/00), "Motor Skills" (1/30/01), "A Day in May" (5/22/01) and 19 more for a total of 23 episodes on... more
- (1968)
- Starring: Mike Connors, Laurence Naismith
- Genre: TV Crime
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 1/6/2009
- Features: Full Frame
- Mike Connors, Gail Fisher. With a plethora of shootouts, old-fashioned punch-outs and high-speed chases, this is the way detective dramas were meant to be! The Los Angeles private detective carries... more
- (1969)
- Starring: Mike Connors, Gail Fisher
- Genre: TV Crime
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 10/27/2009
- Features: Full Frame
- Mike Connors, Gail Fisher. Mannix, an old school L.A. private eye in the classic hard-boiled tradition returns for another hard-hitting season. Fisher won an Emmy for her breakthrough role as... more
- (1981)
- Starring: Barbara Babcock, Bubba Smith
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 9/22/2009
- Features: Full Frame
- Judd Hirsch, Danny DeVito, Marilu Henner. Hail the Emmy-winning fourth season of one of TV's most critically acclaimed sitcoms. The cabbies at the Sunshine Cab Company keep rolling along as they face... more