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- (2009)
- Starring: Mark Harmon, Lauren Holly
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 8/31/2010
- Features: Widescreen, Slipsleeve Packaging, Subtitled, Dubbed
- Chris O'Donnell, LL Cool J, Linda Hunt. 24 episodes on 6 DVDs. 2009–10/color/17 hrs., 12 min/NR/widescreen.
- (2007)
- Starring: Misel Maticevic, Michael Keaton
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, TV Mini-Series
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 10/23/2007
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby
- Chris O'Donnell, Alfred Molina, Michael Keaton. Tony and Ridley Scott team up to create this star-studded television mini-series, providing an intriguing in-depth look at the CIA from the inception... more
- (2009)
- Starring: Mark Harmon, Lauren Holly
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, TV Crime
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 8/31/2010
- Features: Widescreen, Dubbed, Subtitled, Dolby
- Chris O'Donnell, LL Cool J, Linda Hunt. 24 episodes on 6 DVDs. 2009–10/color/17 hrs., 12 min/NR/widescreen.