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- (1976)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, John S. Ragin
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 2/13/2018
- Features: 2 Pack, Repackaged
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin. This groundbreaking TV series spawned the popular medical investigation genre. Klugman, in his multi-Emmy winning role, is Dr. Quincy, an LA coroner who goes... more
- (1977)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, Garry Walberg
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 6/2/2009
- Features: Full Frame, Subtitled, Dolby, Slim Pack
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin, Garry Walberg. The fascinating world of forensic science comes in no form better than Jack Klugman, continuing his reign as the resourceful, strong-willed... more