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- Starring: Scott Baio, Erin Moran
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 2/4/2014
- Features: Full Frame, 3 Pack, Subtitled, Sensormatic
- Scott Baio, Erin Moran, Al Molinaro. Spun off from Happy Days, this program focuses on the love between Joanie and Chachi who have moved to Chicago. Chachi joins a rock band but teenage dreams and... more
- (1977)
- Starring: Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 5/20/2014
- Features: Boxed Set, Full Frame, Subtitled, Sensormatic
- Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley, Marion Ross. The fifth season with the Cunninghams, the Fonz and the rest of the Happy Days gang featured great guest star visits from Lorne Greene, Morgan... more