Items 0 - 0 of 7
- (2019)
- Starring: Steven Strait, Cas Anvar
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 12/15/2020
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Widescreen, Dolby
- Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominque Tipper, Wes Chatham. New conflicts erupt between Earth, Mars and the Belt in the form of a bloody gold rush when the Ring Gates open for thousands of new planets.... more
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- (2018)
- Starring: Steven Strait, Cas Anvar
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 7/17/2018
- Features: Boxed Set
- Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper. Set 200 years in the future, a police detective, the captain of an ice freighter and a UN Secretary General are still trying to avert the destruction of... more
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- (2017)
- Starring: Thomas Jane, Steven Strait
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 7/18/2017
- Features: Boxed Set
- Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper. The crew of the Rocinante continue to uncover secrets relating to the protomolecule. The conspiracy grows as it becomes clear that an intelligent life form... more
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- (2015)
- Starring: Thomas Jane, Steven Strait
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 4/5/2016
- Features: Snap Case, Slipsleeve Packaging, 3 Pack
- Thomas Jane, Steven Strait, Cas Anvar. In the distant future, a space-faring ship's captain on the run from the law helps a brooding detective search for a missing woman across the solar system.... more
- (2023)
- Starring: Breck Eisner, Kenneth Fink
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 11/14/2023
- Features: Boxed Set, Manufactured on Demand, Dolby
- 200 years in the future, Earth, Mars, and the Asteroid Belt are on the edge of war. Welcome to The Expanse, the thrilling sci-fi series that begins with an investigation into one woman's... more
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- (2020)
- Starring: Thomas Jane, Shohreh Aghdashloo
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 11/21/2023
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Dolby
- Thomas Jane, Steven Strait, Dominique Tipper, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Cas Anvar. Marco Inaros's grand attack on the solar system is revealed in its full terror in this tense sci-fi season. 10 episodes on... more
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- (2021)
- Starring: Thomas Jane, Shohreh Aghdashloo
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 11/21/2023
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Dolby
- Holden and the crew of the Rocinante fight alongside the Combined Fleet of Earth and Mars to protect the Inner Planets from Marco Inaros and his Free Navy's campaign of death and destruction.... more