Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (1973)
- Starring: Tony Randall, Jack Klugman
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 6/10/2008
- Features: Full Frame, Sensormatic
- Tony Randall, Jack Klugman. The laughs roll on as sportswriter slob Oscar and fussbudget photographer Felix—the world's most mismatched pair of bachelor roommates—try to live together without driving... more
- (1970)
- Starring: Tony Randall, Jack Klugman
- Genre: TV Comedy, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 4/24/2007
- Features: Full Frame, Dolby, Sensormatic
- Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro. Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison are friends, but when neat-freak Felix moves in with his polar-opposite, slob buddy, Oscar Madison, it's a match made in, well,... more
- Starring: Jack Klugman, Tony Randall
- Genre: TV Comedy
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 3/6/2012
- Features: Full Frame, Dolby, Subtitled
- The fans have spoken! Here come eight great The Odd Couple episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.