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- (1980)
- Starring: Nicholas Ball, Denholm Elliott
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 9/11/2012
- Features: Boxed Set
- Peter Cushing, Denholm Elliot, Pierce Brosnan. The notorious horror studio took over the old Hampden Manor House to film 13 horror stories for British television viewers in 1980. Filled with terror... more
- (1989)
- Starring: John D. LeMay, Chris Wiggins
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 9/22/2009
- Features: Full Frame
- Louise Robey, John D. LeMay. There is more hell to pay as Micki and Ryan, owners of the Curious Goods antiquities shop, race against time to reclaim cursed objects that were sold to an unsuspecting... more