Items 0 - 0 of 13
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- (2022)
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 8/27/2024
- Features: DVD
- Much-anticipated sequel series to "Vikings" is set another century forward in history, as Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett) and sister Freydis Eriksdotter (Frida Gustavsson) arrive in Norway from... more
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- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 3/15/2022
- Features: Boxed Set
- Norse legends come to life in this thrilling History Channel series depicting the life and times of Ragnar Lodbrok (Travis Fimmel), an 8th-century Viking chieftain. Flanked by his wife Lagertha... more
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- (2017)
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/2/2018
- Features: Dolby, Widescreen, Subtitled
- George Blagden, Gustaf Skarsgard, Clive Standen. Ivar the Boneless is in charge of the Heathen Army, and Lagertha is Queen of Kattegat. Ragnar's sons are scattered across the high seas, but all are... more
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- (2018)
- Starring: Gustaf Skarsgard, Katheryn Winnick
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/8/2019
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled, Dolby
- Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgard, Alexander Ludwig, Alex Hogh Andersen. There are more battles, more blood and more Viking intrigue in the concluding half of season five. It's a new Dark Age for... more
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- (2020)
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 3/15/2022
- Features: 3 Pack
- Norse legends come to life in this thrilling History Channel series depicting the life and times of Ragnar Lodbrok (Travis Fimmel), an 8th-century Viking chieftain. Flanked by his wife Lagertha... more
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- (2016)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/3/2017
- Features: Dolby, Widescreen, 3 Pack
- Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgard. Ragnar's sons are chomping at the bit to take over the family after their father's embarrassing defeat in Paris. But Ragnar is unwilling to give up... more
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- (2016)
- Starring: Clive Standen, Travis Fimmel
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/4/2016
- Features: Widescreen, 3 Pack, Dolby
- Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick, Clive Standen. As political intrigue and dealings whirl around him like a storm, King Ragnar returns from battle ill, and seeks solace not with his wife or child, but... more
- (2015)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/6/2015
- Features: Boxed Set, Subtitled, Widescreen, Dolby
- Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen, Katheryn Winnick. The Vikings have a new King, Ragnarok. As he leads his people on daring and exciting adventures, a few complications will make big waves and test the... more
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 7/7/2020
- Features: Gift Set, Shrink Wrapped, 2 Pack, Back to Back Packaging
- (2015)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/6/2015
- Features: Digital Theater System, Subtitled, Widescreen, Digitally Mastered in HD
- Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen, Katheryn Winnick. The Vikings have a new King, Ragnarok. As he leads his people on daring and exciting adventures, a few complications will make big waves and test the... more
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- (2013)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/15/2013
- Features: Limited Edition, Subtitled, Digital Theater System
- Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick, Gabriel Byrne. High-ranking Viking chieftain Ragnar Lothbrok attempts to fulfill his destiny as a king and a conqueror. But along the way to his throne, he must face... more
- (2014)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Jessalyn Gilsig
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/7/2014
- Features: Boxed Set, Widescreen, Digital Theater System
- Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen, Jessalyn Gilsig. The second season of this riveting series continues to focus on Viking chieftain Ragnar on rougher challenges and tougher choices…battling his own... more
- (2014)
- Starring: Travis Fimmel, Jessalyn Gilsig
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 10/7/2014
- Features: Boxed Set, Widescreen, Dolby
- Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen, Jessalyn Gilsig. The second season of this riveting series continues to focus on Viking chieftain Ragnar on rougher challenges and tougher choices…battling his own... more