Items 0 - 0 of 5
- (1979)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, Robert Ito
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 3/19/2013
- Features: DVD
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito. Dr. Quincy has his hands full with tainted marijuana, anthrax-poisoned money, a diamond smuggling operation and more in this granddaddy of all crime scene investigation... more
- (1978)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, Val Bisoglio
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 12/18/2012
- Features: DVD
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin. The fascinating world of forensics science comes up on the open table with the help of a bold and relentless L.A. medical examiner who approaches his craft... more
- (1981)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, Robert Ito
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 11/11/2014
- Features: Boxed Set, Full Frame
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito. L.A.'s famed medical examiner takes on cases dealing with cutting-edge social issues of the day. From fraternity hazing incidents to toxic waste to gun control, season 7 is... more
- (1982)
- Starring: Jack Klugman
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 3/10/2015
- Features: Full Frame
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin. Nothing stops the hard-nosed L.A. medical examiner when it comes to learning the truth—as he employs his keen wit and supreme knowledge of forensics to catch... more
- (1980)
- Starring: Jack Klugman, John S. Ragin
- Genre: TV Crime, Television
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 7/9/2013
- Features: Widescreen
- Jack Klugman, Robert Ito. Klugman stars as Quincy, a strong-willed L.A. medical examiner, who balanced forensic science with great interpretive reasoning to expose the bad guys and the truth.... more