Items 0 - 0 of 7
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- (2021)
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 12/6/2022
- Features: 2 Pack
- Continuing the tradition of the popular movies, this horror anthology series that debuted in 2019 combines scares and laughs as it tells tales of terror in the unmistakable style of the classic E.C.... more
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- (2023)
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 12/5/2023
- Features: DVD
- CREEPSHOW SEASON 4:Continuing the tradition of the popular movies, this horror anthology series that debuted in 2019 combines scares and laughs as it tells tales of terror in the unmistakable style... more
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- (2022)
- Genre: TV Sci-Fi, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 7/18/2023
- Features: Subtitled, 2 Pack
- It's been three generations since voyagers left a collapsing Earth to establish a 500-square-mile utopian colony on the lunar surface. Now, colonists are preparing to return planetside and impart... more
- (2020)
- Starring: Linda Blair, Richard Donner
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 8/18/2020
- Features: Blu-ray
- Linda Blair, Richard Donner, Gary Sherman, Kane Hodde. This 5-part docuseries delves into some of the most mysterious phenomenons that took place during horror film productions to see if they are... more
- (2021)
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 5/10/2022
- Features: 2 Pack
- Across the history of horror cinema, there are those film fiends whose instant clutch upon the public imagination guaranteed sequels, reboots, and a legacy of giving jitters to generations. This... more
- (2020)
- Starring: Linda Blair, Richard Donner
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 8/18/2020
- Features: DVD
- Linda Blair, Richard Donner, Gary Sherman, Kane Hodde. This 5-part docuseries delves into some of the most mysterious phenomenons that took place during horror film productions to see if they are... more
- (2020)
- Genre: TV Horror, Television
- Studio: Shudder
- Release Date: 3/1/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- There's dread from Down Under with this Australian series that wrings the utmost in horror from it's quarter-hour vignettes. Two teens who happen upon a car wreck find more than they wanted to know... more