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- (2019)
- Genre: TV Drama, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 5/22/2020
- Features: Australia - Import, NTSC Region 0
- Prosperous L.A. car dealer Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) still felt the sting of losing Mr. Miyagi, the mentor who schooled him in martial arts as a teen. Down-and-out janitor Johnny Lawrence... more
- (2020)
- Starring: Elliot Page, Tom Hopper
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Television
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 6/21/2022
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Dolby, 3 Pack
- Five warned his family (so, so many times) that using his powers to escape from Vanya's 2019 apocalypse was risky. Well, he was right - the time jump scatters the siblings in time in and around... more