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- (1948)
- Starring: Alan Ladd, Robert Preston
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 6/1/2004
- Features: DVD
- Alan Ladd, Robert Preston. A soft-spoken railroad detective in the Old West is the target for a gang of train robbers who nearly kill him and leave him for dead. But the cagey cop is found by a... more
- Starring: Randolph Scott, Alan Ladd
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 3/12/2013
- Features: Full Frame, 3 Pack, Snap Case
- Return to the golden age of cowboy movies in the 1940s and '50s. Includes "When the Daltons Rode" (Randolph Scott. 1940/81 min.), "The Texas Rangers Ride Again" (John Howard. 1940/68 min.), "The... more