Items 0 - 0 of 6
- Starring: Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- Billy The Kid Returns - The real Billy the Kid is killed in the opening scenes by the local Sheriff. However, a young cowboy (Rogers) shows up the next day, and is mistaken for the famous criminal,... more
- Starring: Roy Rogers, George Cleveland
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- Nevada City - Stagecoach drivers Jeff Connors (Rogers) and Gabby Chapman (Hayes) try to get their fueding stagecoach owner boss Hank Liddell (Cleveland) to combine business with competing railroad... more
- Starring: Roy Rogers, Grant Withers
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- Bells Of Rosarita - Dale Evans inherits a circus, but her dead father's parner (Withers) is trying to steal it away from her. Roy Rogers and Bob Nolan happen to be filming their latest movie on... more
- Starring: Roy Rogers, Lynne Roberts
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- Eyes Of Texas - After World War II, ranch owner Thad Cameron (Frances Ford) decides to turn his ranch into a home for the orphaned sons of U.S. soldiers. However, Thad's female lawyer, Hattie Walters... more
- Starring: Roy Rogers, Andy Devine
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- Gay Ranchero, The - Criminal Vance Brados (Meeker) wants the profitable Mazanita Springs Spa and Airline for himself, and uses both sabotage and murder to try to acquire both. Sheriff Roy Rogers... more
- Starring: Roy Rogers, Paul Fix
- Genre: Westerns
- Studio: Team Marketing
- Release Date: 7/10/2018
- Features: 2 Pack
- South Of Santa Fe - In this present-day western, Roy Rogers takes three investors to visit undeveloped gold mines near his dying home town in New Mexico, in order to revitalize the area. However, a... more