Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1976)
- Starring: Ivor Francis, Lynn Wood
- Genre: Comedy Video, Westerns
- Studio: Reel Vault
- Release Date: 7/9/2015
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Bob Denver, Forrest Tucker, Ivor Francis. Editing together four episodes from the 1973 series Dusty's Trail into a full-length feature, you get this laugh-filled journey through the Western frontier.... more
- (1952)
- Starring: Judy Canova, John Russell
- Genre: Comedy Video, Westerns
- Studio: Reel Vault
- Release Date: 1/10/2017
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Judy Canova, John Russell, Grant Withers. A country girl becomes the deputy of her town after she falls in love with the new sheriff. Directed by R. G. Springsteen. 1954/color/90 min/NR/fullscreen.